Servite Domino in laetitia! [Serve the Lord joyfully!]
- St. John Bosco -
At Saint John Bosco Parish, we are dedicated to supporting the involvement of children, teens, and families in the life and activity of our parish. We recognize the importance of everyone's gifts and to provide chances for all those gifts and blessings to shine through. Therefore, we excitedly promote a number of different opportunities for kids, teenagers, and young adults, doing our best to help them develop their relationship with God and live out their faith life in real and active ways. We’re happy to offer a variety of helpful resources and great activities in addition to providing opportunities in education and ministry to all those interested.
Each week, we offer our YM Bible study, diving deep into Scripture to understand God’s word and how it applies to our lives. Once a month, we work on a service project, serving those in need and putting our faith into action. Confirmed teens have the opportunity to become Peer Leaders who serve as positive role models and witnesses to the faith among their peers and to younger children in the parish. Throughout the year we also have social events to connect, relax, and have fun while growing spiritually!
Upcoming Events
Start by looking at all of Upcoming Ministry Events! All of these events also count towards the Confirmation Program's Flex Ministry Hours.
YM BIble Study
Due to popular demand our bible study is now weekly on Tuesday nights starting this fall!
Girls - Blaze (5th-8th) & Sisters of Strength (9th-12th) | Boys - Warriors of the Word (5th-12th)
Social Action Youth
On the 4th Monday of every month Teens are invited to help with various service/volunteer projects to help out parish and community.
Peer Leadership Team
The SJB Peer Leadership Team is a group of confirmed teens who serve as positive role models and witnesses to the faith among their peers and to younger children in the parish. As a Peer Leader you're supported as you grow in your own faith and are coached to reach out and minister to others by helping to lead retreats, faith formation classes, and other parish events.
Adult Core Team Volunteers
We are always looking for help with our Youth Ministry Events! If you have any interest in joining our YM Core Team, please see the “Catechist and Adult Volunteers” page for more information or reach out to Kim at
Mission Trip Team
Teens invested in service and mission will participate with the parish Mission Team in a youth trip for 8 and 9th graders or week-long trip for 10 – 12th graders. Local day trips will also be planned for grades 7 – 12. Fundraising, planning meetings, and team-building activities are planned throughout the year.
Children’s Ministry
Children Grades K–5 can participate in various fun activities that engage their interests and spark their faith. Pageants, Trunk-or-treat parties, holiday caroling, etc. will be announced throughout the year.
Small Hands
Events and activities are planned throughout the year to involve children in Grades 4-8 in simple, meaningful community service projects.
Other Youth-Related Parish Ministries
Altar Servers
Children's Choir
Children's Liturgy of the Word
K4J - Vacation Bible School
Family Ministry
- Mothers Group
Family Nights (Trivia, Karaoke, Game Night, Movie Night, etc.)
Parent Support Talks
Hot Topics in Catholic Context
Sacred Life Ministry (suicide prevention, pro-life, euthanasia)
Marriage Retreats