Contact Information

Additional Family Contact Information

Which Session Are you Joining?


BLAZE and IGNITE starts with a social from 6:30pm-7:00pm. Then, the Middle School and High School will break into small groups from 7:00pm-7:30pm to discuss lies found in the world with truth found in Scripture. The Night will conclude with praying the Rosary from 7:30pm-8:00pm. For those with busy schedules you can choose when to come and leave, although we request you are there for the entire small group portion.

Donation Request

All who join will receive a journal to use throughout the year. A donation of $5 is not required, but appreciated. If donating, cash or check (payable to St. John Bosco Parish) can be mailed/dropped off to the Parish Office at 731 Main St, Branford. Note it's for BLAZE or IGNITE.


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